Budapest 2024, May 15-17

The AADTE working group is looking forward to welcoming you in Budapest.
AADTE we will conduct 1 workshop:

Wind of change – Art University as active contributor or neutral ground?

Thursday 16th May
Master Building, Seminar Room (M_013)
Budapest, 2024

Art universities play an important role in raising the future creative individuals and fostering a vibrant cultural landscape within society. Art Universities as institutions not only provide a platform for students to hone their artistic skills but also core values that extend far beyond the university walls, ensuring their enduring relevance in both academic and societal contexts.

We propose a discussion and workshop on the following.

We ask: Do Art and Design universities see themselves as active contributors to society, not only through education, but also through advocacy, research and public engagement. Does the institution still have a responsibility to promote principles such as academic freedom, ethical behaviour and social responsibility?

Or are universities committed to neutrality and objectivity, and what would this mean in changing situations? What does it mean to take a more neutral stance and emphasize the importance of providing a platform for diverse perspectives without actively advocating for particular rights or principles in order to explore a broad range of ideas without institutional bias. Is this kind of neutrality possible within the laws and regulations that guide our institutions?

How do we define academic freedom and social responsibility in order to create a sustainable working environment for students and academics within the Art university? What does this question mean in relation to higher education pedagogies?

Join us in thinking together. We offer a workshop frame to process this question together and invite you to share your experiences and ideas on the topic. All members of the Cumulus community are welcome to give a short presentation in the workshop. Please send an email to Minna and Andreas with a short outline of your project if you wish to contribute. Please feel free to join the WG session to discuss and share even without a presentation. 

Warm Regards, Andreas and Minna
Timeslot Workshop 16.05.2024, 16:00 bis 17:30, MESZ
Master Building, Seminar Room (M_013)